As walk through this life full of problems; we have Jesus we can reach out and take hold of his hand. As Paul during the storm walk on the water and look down. Jesus reach out took hold of Paul hand. Look for Jesus and keep looking to Jesus. Although a storm surrounded Him, Peter looked to Jesus. The only problem was that he stopped looking at Jesus. The principle is clear: especially when life is a tumultuous storm, look for Jesus and keep looking to Jesus. Faith is simply taking the next step. Peter took one step to get out of the boat and onto the water. Peter was doing just fine when he was focused on the next step and got into trouble when he lost sight of his next step.
Our faith is not base on yesterday, no worry of tomorrows, as Jesus holds our tomorrow. We just take it one day at time, keeping our eyes on Jesus and not the storm. Our God is with us in the stormy weather or the claim weather. We also as we walk by faith we are to show our brother and sister the same love as God should us. Preaching the word is spreading the Love of God. God has sent his son to die for our sins. As we walk in faith, in the love of God, we are to reach out to other in love that are in the storm. As I walk through the storms my faith gets stronger. As I keep telling myself while in the storms, never give up.